2024-2025 Bursaries, Scholarships & Awards
Please find below all emails sent out to students regarding bursaries, scholarships, and awards, during the 2024-2025 school year.
Wed. Dec. 4th, 2024
Hello CPHS Graduating Students,
Below you will find information on one of Canada’s biggest Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Scholarships…..Please read if you are going into one of these fields and are an exceptional student, leader and role model in our school and community.
What are Schulich Leader Scholarships?
Schulich Leader Scholarships are Canada’s most coveted undergraduate STEM scholarships. One hundred are awarded to entrepreneurial-minded high school graduates enrolling in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Math program at 20 partner universities across Canada. Half are valued at $120,000 for engineering scholarships and half are valued at $100,000* for science and math scholarships. Every high school in Canada can nominate one graduating student each year to apply for the scholarship.
Student eligibility criteria:
- Graduating high school or CEGEP in the 2024/2025 academic year
- Be a Canadian citizen
- Plan to enroll in an eligible STEM program at one of our partner universities (see list below).
- Meet the following criteria:
- Academic excellence, AND
- Entrepreneurial-minded (exhibiting leadership, charisma, and creativity)
- Strong consideration will be given to students with financial need
- Intend to pursue a career in one or more of the following focus areas:
- Technology
- Engineering
- Entrepreneurship and business enterprise
- Applied scientific research
We are NOT considering students who:
- Focus on activism (environmental/political/societal)
- Intend to become a practicing physician and/or medical researcher (e.g. Doctor, Dentist, Nurse, Psychologist, Pharmacist, Optometrist, etc.)
- Intend to become a Professor and conduct theoretical research
The Online application includes:
- Contact information for two Referees who will upload reference letters in support of the nomination
- Note: Referees will receive an email to an online reference request form after the nominee submits their completed scholarship application.
All letters of reference and scholarship applications must be completed and received by the February 19, 2025 deadline.
Reference letter guidelines: Letters should be no longer than one page in length and addressed to the “Schulich Leader Scholarships Selection Committee”
- The universities you wish to attend
- Your top three achievements (academic or other) - 50 words maximum per achievement
- Short answer to convey your career aspirations 10 years from now – 50 words maximum
- Essay highlighting what your passionate about – 250 words maximum
- Essay highlighting how you demonstrate an entrepreneurial-mindset (including leadership, charisma, and creativity) – 250 word maximum
- Essay highlighting what makes you an ideal candidate for this award – 250 word maximum
- Optional essay to outline extenuating circumstances - 250 words maximum
- Copy of up-to-date transcript, credit counsel summary or detailed academic report
- Headshot profile image for publicity
Scholarship application deadline including reference letters, is February 19, 2025.
CPHS is beginning the process to select ONE successful candidate to nominate for this Award. If you are interested, you must put together a package that contains ALL but the last two bullets of the online application listed above (the Awards Committee already has your transcript information, and does not require your headshot). If selected, you must be willing to complete the full online application by February 19, 2025.
This complete application must be submitted to the guidance office by 8am on Wednesday January 8th, 2025.
If you would like more information on this scholarship before submitting your application to guidance, please check out their website.
htps://schulichleaders.com/#apply select APPLY in the top right-hand corner.
We thank those students who have already expressed interest in this award and look forward to receiving your application.
Mrs. Anderson, Mme. Day, and the Awards Committee
Thurs. Nov. 21st, 2024
Hello Graduating Students,
This email is directed at students within Lanark County who are or will be attending post-secondary in an agricultural related field. Please read on.
The Dairy Producer Committee of Lanark County will be accepting applications for a $1000.00 bursary to a student enrolled in a post-secondary agriculturally related program. Applications will be accepted until January 15, 2025. It is available to all students who reside within Lanark County and can provide proof of enrollment.
To apply please email a short essay (500 words or less) to [email protected] with the subject line “2024 Bursary: student name”. The essay is to discuss the student’s perspective on the future of agriculture in Ontario and how their education will aid in its improvement. Committee members of the Lanark Dairy Producers will evaluate all submissions, and the winner of the bursary will be contacted before January 31, 2025
Good luck,
Your guidance team.
Mon. Nov. 4th, 2024
Hello Graduating Bears,
ScholarTree has shared some of their resources including scholarship opportunities. I am forwarding it on to you to take a peek. Keep in mind, they’ve shared three specific scholarships in this update, but if you search ScholarTree’s website https://scholartree.ca/ you’ll find even more. Happy searching.
At ScholarTree, we always look for various scholarships that apply to as many different types of students as possible. We have found that the more unique a scholarship criteria, the more likely a student is to apply and, more importantly, win that particular scholarship. We have made a concerted effort to add more unique scholarships in the last month, adding over 20 brand-new scholarships in the last couple of weeks.
Here are some scholarships that are exclusive to ScholarTree:
Having good grades is vital to many scholarships. Here are some blogs that talk about how to achieve better grades:
Getting into specific programs is becoming increasingly competitive. Here are some blogs covering the application process of some of the more competitive programs:
Mrs. Anderson
Mon. Sept 23rd, 2024
RE: Terry Fox Humanitarian Award Information
Hello Graduating Bears of 2025 and Parents/Guardians,
We just received information about The Terry Fox Humanitarian Award.
Who: Open to students graduating from secondary school or their first year of CÉGEP, as well as those studying toward their first university degree or diploma at a Canadian post-secondary institution.
What: maximum award value is $28,000, disbursed over 4 years
Deadline: December 1, 2024
For more information visit:
Thank you,
Mrs. Day, Mrs. Anderson, Ms. Shaw
Thurs. Sept 19th, 2024
RE: Major Entrance Scholarships
Hello, Graduating Bears of 2025 and Parents/Guardians,
There are several prestigious awards coming up, some in the very near future and some a little ways off. We encourage all of you to be investigating scholarship opportunities on your own so that you don’t miss out on the application deadlines. I’ve taken this opportunity to highlight a few of the highly competitive scholarships below for university-bound students (some may require a nomination from the school, so read carefully).
Loran Scholar – due Tuesday October 15th, 2024, 8pm
A student in their final year of uninterrupted full-time studies in high school, present a minimum cumulative average of 85% and hold a Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status; based on evidence of integrity, courage, grit, and a high level of personal autonomy.
Queen’s University Chancellor Scholarship
Future Students Major Admission Awards | Registrar & Financial Aid Services (queensu.ca)
For the Queen’s Chancellor Scholarship, CPHS is permitted to nominate one applicant from our graduating class. If you are interested in being considered for this, then you must act very soon and email Mrs. Anderson by October 10th, 2024, stating your intention. Mrs. Anderson will then notify these students specifically of the next steps. Final applications for this award are due December 8th, 2024, but you must also apply to Queen’s University on OUAC by no later than November 20th, 2024.
Schulich Leader Scholarship – Not due until January 29th, 2025, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look.
This is the most prestigious undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Scholarship in Canada. This Scholarship requires a nomination from your school. A separate email with details about how to be considered will be sent out; keep an eye out for it if you are interested in being considered.
There are more big scholarships and awards available and as we receive the information, we will be sure to pass it onto all of you, our graduating class…..what a great reason to keep checking your school email regularly. 😊
Each individual university also has their own Major awards with deadlines often set in the fall. I would encourage you to look at the specific universities you may be interested in applying too so that you don’t miss out. For example, here are three:
National Scholarship from the University of Toronto – dueOctober 17th, 2024
A Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person currently in their final year of Canadian secondary school; intending to begin university the following academic year; a National Book Award nominee or self-identify as meeting the criteria: an original and creative thinker; committed to school and community; a high achiever in academic and creative pursuits; enthusiastic about learning and intellectual exploration. Please note, if you would like to be considered as a National Book Award nominee, then you must act now and email Mrs. Anderson by October 1st, 2024, stating your intention to apply to the University of Toronto and apply for the National Scholarship.
Queen’s University Major Admission Awards – due December 8th, 2024, but you must also apply to Queen’s University on OUAC by no later than November 20th, 2024.
Students who demonstrate superior academic ability, creative and original thinking, involvement in school or community activities, and proven leadership can apply for a Queen’s major admission award. Financial need is also a consideration for some of our major admission awards.
Carleton University Prestige Scholarships – due around March 1st, 2025
Prestige Scholarships - Awards and Financial Aid (carleton.ca)
Students who have demonstrated leadership roles in their extra-curricular activities throughout school and have an admission average of 90%.
Remember it is up to you to take the initiative, start the search and complete scholarship applications by the deadlines. If you have questions, we would be glad to help you in Guidance. Please email either Mrs. Anderson or Mme. Day to make an appointment.
Thank you,
Mrs. Anderson, Mme. Day, Ms. Shaw
PS. Don’t forget about our Post-Secondary Info Evening coming soon: MONDAY SEPTEMBER 23rd at 6:30pm in person in the Learning Commons at the School.